Accreditations & Accolades

  • Gold Award of Monde Selection, the world's most prestigious and most authoritative international quality award, and a representative of the world food quality assessment agencies.
  • More than 250 patents of 10 major patent rights from 27 nations
  • Certification of verification of 26 in 1 polyvalent vaccine (A05995), obtained from the Animal Remedies Board and Animal Ethics Committee
  • 3 Health Food Permits by Ministry of Health, Taiwan in modulate gastrointestinal tract, modulate lipid and modulate immune system
  • National Golden Award Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality Award by Institute for Bio-technology and medicine industry of Taiwan in 2002.
  • AsureQuality Standard inspected, verified and certified in New Zealand
  • Quality Dairy from New Zealand supplied by Fonterra
  • Certified Halal in Malaysia
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Successful Clinical Trials

Ensuring Efficacy of Stolle Milk with ELISA Tests

Through concise and sophisticated biotechnology processes including the Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) method, we are able to effectively measure and bring out the efficacy of the antibodies in fighting off bacteria. In other words, the antibody content in Stolle Milk actually fights and kills bacteria in our bodies.

Immunoglobulins are essential components of the body's immune system. Normal milk contains a certain amount of immunoglobulin. However, without stimulation of a vaccine, the antibodies necessary to fight off bacteria (immunoglobulins) will not produce.

Stolle Milk uses a combination of 26 types of bacterial antigen, which commonly infects humans, to create a 26 in 1 polyvalent vaccine. This vaccine is used to stimulate the immune system of a cow in order to produce antibodies in its milk, which will then help combat various illnesses in humans after the milk is consumed.

To measure and ensure that every sachet of Stolle Milk has an effective amount immunoglobulins that live up to its promise of bolstering the immune system, immunologists use the precise ELISA Test.

The ELISA Test is a special method to determine the strength and measurement of special antibodies in milk. It has helped us to prove that Stolle Milk is not merely rich in nutrients, but contains the effective level of antibodies and functional factors to counteract harmful bacteria.


Since 1958, Stolle R&D has provided free milk to test subjects to conduct numerous trials and research.

The data and results have proven time and again the effectiveness of Stolle Milk.

Approval From Leading Health Experts

Stolle Milk is a health food with over 50 years of successful research and development. It is the culmination of effective immune enhancing formula processed by cutting edge food processing techniques. The following annotations by immunological experts, nutritionists and biologists attest to the ever growing popularity of Stolle Milk as the essential health food for the 21st century.

  • Dr. Nomoto Kikuo.(Immunological Expert)

    Immune milk is now a fact from the point of view of the scientific community. When I first discovered Stolle Milk about 7-8 years ago, I had immediately known that this was the milk I had always wanted.
    In a test conducted on animals living in a bacteria-free environment, we found that these animals enjoyed a longer life span by about 50%. Being bacteria free reduces the stress caused by external factors to the immune system and thus prevented and slowed down its decline.
    Amazingly, almost similar results were found in animals living in a normal environment but have been fed Stolle Milk regularly. This means
    their immune systems have been bolstered.

  • Dr. Eberhard K.& Dr. Phyllis K. (Well known International Nutritionists and the Author of 'Recipe of Life')

    We believe this hyperimmune milk will be a common thing in the future. One day it can prevent various types of insidious and chronic diseases, relieve joints pain and optimise our health.
    Furthermore, it helps regulate cholesterol and blood pressure levels and slow the aging process.
    Hyperimmune milk is also helpful in the recovery process after treatment and prevention of infections. In conclusion, we believe Stolle Milk to be the hope for functional health food in the future.

  • Dr. Daniel A.Gringerich (Stolle R&D Center, USA)

    Decades of research on Stolle Milk has proven the following:
    1. Through the advancement of new technology, the biological functional factors in immune milk can be used to create and invent new nutritional food.
    2. The breakthroughs in biological technology for the past 20 years have established the scientific proof and explanation of functional health food.
    3. Continuous support to biological research will help invent new nutritious foods to improve long term health.
    We are thrilled to be part of a team that has been involved in a revolution of biological technology, when we foresaw the potential of Stole Milk, and the thrilling vision ahead on how Bio-technology can positively impact human health and nutrition.

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Learn more about the wonders of Stolle Milk!

Or start your healthy journey with Stolle Milk now