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Why is Stolle Milk called hyperimmune powdered milk?

A: Stolle Milk is produced from vaccinated dairy ate through the hyperimmunisation technique. The technique stimulates the immune system of the cows in order to produce a high concentration of antibody and other functional factors in the milk. The milk powder derived from this milk is called hyperimmune powdered milk.

How can dead bacteria stimulate milch cows to produce concentrated antibodies?

A: Because the bacteria have been killed, they lose the ability to multiply and cause harm. However, they retain the shape and feel of living bacteria and thus are able to arouse the immune system of cows to stimulate antibodies to fight them

Are the functional factors in Stolle Milk the result of something artificial added to it?

A: No. Stolle Milk is 100% natural; a hyperimmunisation technique is used to stimulate the cow's immune system to produce the functional factors that already exist from the beginning.

What is the significance of the macrophage activation factor to human health?

A: The macrophage activation factor (MAF) plays a very important role in the human body's immune system.
Macrophages exist all over the body, its purpose is to gobble up and destroy all harmful foreign substances that intrude into the human body. Macrophages prevent these harmful foreign substances from multiplying and spreading, thereby reducing the risk of illness.

In preparing Stolle Milk, why cannot we use a water temperature above 50°C?

A: Water temperature above 50°C will destroy the antibody and functional factors in Stolle Milk. The proper preparation method for Stolle Milk is to prepare the water with the temperature below 50°C before adding the milk powder into it.

Can we consume Stolle Milk although we are healthy?

A: Yes. Stolle Milk is a 100% natural functional food. Besides being rich in nutritional values, daily consumption of Stolle Milk helps to prevent against diseases by bolstering our immune system.

Is Stolle Milk safe for pregnant women to consume?

A: Stolle Milk is a natural milk powder and does not contain any drugs. It will not cause any harmful effects to the embryo. In addition, Stolle Milk will actually enhance an expecting mother's resistance and immunity to illness and disease.

What benefits do lactating mothers get from consuming Stolle Milk?

A: Mother's milk is vital to the well being and healthy growth of newborn babies. The milk form a healthy mother is more useful than the milk from an unhealthy mother. Stolle Milk helps to provide carbohydrates and protein required by lactating mothers to keep them in good health.

Should we stop taking doctor's prescription when we consume Stolle Milk?

A: To keep the illness under control or speed up the healing process of the symptoms, we recommend you to continue taking the medication as prescribed. Do not try to stop taking medication without advice from your doctor.

Can we consume Stolle Milk while under medication or treatment?

A: You can continue to drink Stolle Milk while under medication or treatment. However, we recommend you wait at least 1 to 2 hours between taking medication and drinking the milk.

What is lactose intolerance? Why do we suffer from diarrhea or flatulence after consuming Stolle Milk?

A: Lactase is an enzyme found in the small intestine to digest lactose. People who seldom consume food-containing lactose are unable to digest the lactose completely due to the insufficient lactase content in the intestinal canal.
This causes lactose intolerance such as diarhea and flatulence. However, they can gradually adapt as lactase will be stimulated and produced if they continually consume milk or dairy products in small amounts. Stolle Milk is a skim milk containing 47% of lactose. Those who are suffering from acquired lactose intolerance should avoid drinking the milk with an empty stomach. The best way is to divide one packet of Stolle Milk into a few servings to reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and flatulence.

If the diarrhea persists, should we stop taking Stolle Milk?

A: If Stolle Milk is consumed in smaller amounts according to the directions given above, and the diarrhea still persists, you should consult a doctor on whether you are suffering form congenital lactose intolerance. If so, you may take Stolle ImmNuPro which is lactose free as a replacement to Stolle Milk because your body will never be able to produce lactase.

Can renal (kidney) failure patients consume Stolle Milk?

A: The protein intake for renal failure patients needs to be monitored in accordance to his or her kidney functions.
Therefore, before consuming Stolle Milk, they should get advice from a doctor or nutritionist on the amount of Stolle Milk to take daily.

Can hepatic (liver) impairment patients consume Stolle Milk?

A: After the digestion and assimilation process, the food will undergo hepatic metabolism. However, when the liver is impaired, the amount of protein to go through hepatic metabolism will be limited. Under such circumstances, the patient needs to consult a doctor or nutritionist before consuming Stolle Milk.

Does Stolle Milk affect body weight il consumed for a long period of time?

A: Every packet of Stolle Milk contains 110 kcal which represent only 5.5% of the daily calories required (A person needs about 1,800 to 2,400 kcal daily). In addition, Stolle Milk is a skim milk (about 0.9% of fat); as such it will not easily cause obesity.

Will consumption of Stolle Milk cause any side effects?

A: Stolle milk is a natural food that does not cause any side effects. Stolle Milk has undergone stringent inspections by the U.S. government under the scrutiny of the Ohio Department of Health. Stolle Milk was found to be safe for consumption without any risks.

What is the consumption amount for Stolle Milk?

A: The amount of consumption may vary due to age, weight and physical wellness. For every kg of body weight would require 1 to 2 gram of Stolle Milk. It is recommended for adult to consume at least 2 sachets of Stolle Milk daily. With sufficient amount the result will be significant.

What is the time frame to experience the result?

A: The results are differs according to personal physical and health condition. With sufficient amount, usually after 1 month, may experience better stamina, after 3 to 6 months will significantly improve health condition.

If not accustomed to the taste of Stolle Milk, is there any to add variety of taste to it?

A: Based on personal preferences, cocoa powder, honey or cereal could be added to Stolle Milk to provide better variety of taste. By adding cereal to Stolle Milk may not only provide a better taste but also benefits to health as cereal contains fiber that promotes intestinal peristalsis.